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Sinus Problems Got You Feeling Miserable? 3 Simple Ways To Soothe Your Sinus Passages

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 If you're plagued by sinus infections, it can seem like you're always trying to breathe through clogged passages. To a certain extent, you are. The inside of your nose is lined with cilia, tiny hairlike structures that are designed to keep your nasal passages clear. Unfortunately, dirt, pollen and other allergens can build up inside your nasal passages, making it impossible for your cilia to work properly. When that happens, you'll start experiencing sinus problems, including an increased occurrence of sinus infections. Luckily, there are some simple steps you can take to keep your sinuses clear, so your cilia can do their job properly. Here are three methods for clearing your sinuses.

Irrigate Your Sinuses

If your sinuses are clogged, it can leave you feeling downright miserable. That's where sinus irrigation comes in. With regular sinus irrigation, such as from NextSinus,your nasal passages can remain clean and clear, so you can breathe easier. One way to irrigate your sinuses is with the use of a neti-pot. With a neti-pot, clean sterile water is poured into one of your nostrils, where it will flow through your sinus cavity to the other nostril. As the water flows through your nasal passages, it removes dirt and pollen, and loosens the mucus. Routine use of a neti-pot for sinus irrigation will help relieve seasonal sinus troubles, including those recurring sinus infections.

Moisten the Air You're Breathing

If you don't have a humidifier in your home, you need to install one, especially when you're using your heater or air conditioner. Dry air can wreak havoc on your nasal passages, leading to increased sinus problems including nose bleeds. To alleviate the distress, leave a humidifier on whenever you're at home. Be sure to clean it out about once a week to prevent bacteria buildup. If you don't have access to a humidifier, you can boil a pot of water to increase the moisture level in your home.

Don't Let the Pollen In

When the weather is nice, it can be tempting to open the windows to let the fresh air in. Unfortunately, during peak pollen times, the air might not be so fresh. To prevent pollen-related sinus problems, you should keep your windows closed during the day, especially when pollen counts are at their highest.

Don't let sinus problems get the best of you. Use the tips provide here to avoid sinus infections, and keep your sinus passages clear.  
